Recent scientific evidence bears out what many goat milk enthusiasts always knew. Goat milk is an important element of diet, for any high performance enthusiast. Here are five reasons why goat milk is important: 1. An Excellent Protein Source: Goat milk contains a higher amount of calcium than all forms of pasteurized cow milk. Additionally, it helps the body to make better use of the calcium and iron that it takes in, though it's higher bioavailability. This improves the body's ability to fight anemia and stay healthy. 2. Helps improve the quality of blood: Goat milk contains a higher amount of calcium than all forms of pasteurized cow milk. Additionally, it helps the body to make better use of the calcium and iron that it takes in, though it's higher bioavailability. This improves the body's ability to fight anemia and stay healthy. 3. Boosts Metabolism: Goat milk has a number of metabolism-boosting effects, especially the ability to use calcium and iron. A study conducted on rats, for example, showed that digestive utilization of calcium is greater when the animals consume the goat-milk-based diet rather than that based on cow milk or the standard diet. Additionally, it has A2 beta-casein, which is far healthier than A1 beta-casein that most cow milk contains. 4. Enhances Skin Health: Goat milk is rich in essential fatty acids and triglycerides, making it great for the skin. And since it is alkaline, it doesnt irritate the skin. Further, the lactic acid in milk hydrates and brightens the skin. 5. Potentially, helps ease anxiety: Studies shows that the lipids in goat milk can reduce anxiety. Further, the conjugated linoleic acid in goat milk is known to influence brain development.